Who would need a bee exterminator in Las Vegas?

Affordable bee exterminator service is provided year-round for every type of property in Las Vegas Valley. When bees and wasps become a menace in residential or commercial areas, our expedient bee exterminator is ready for your call. In the meantime, take extra precautions when you see bees. If that hive becomes threatened, their troops will attack anything encroaching their safe zone. Albeit, they’re the ones who have invaded your home. Bees have a predictable swarming and migrating pattern, so they may vanish in a day or two because of their habit of spawning new colonies. If the bees have not moved on in a week, then it is likely they’ve chosen the wrong spot to build again. At this juncture, people and pets can potentially incite bee attacks. So if ever bees and wasps have invaded your space to a dangerous degree, Pest Pros is the company to call.
Bee Pest Removal Includes:
- Entire property inspection
- Sting proof protective bee suit
- Hive & honeycomb treatment
- Travel pathway treatment
- Liquids
- Dusts
- Aerosols
- Cleanup & removal optional
- 60 Day guarantee for treatment site
Pest Pros bee exterminator service
We provide bee exterminator services by implementing liquids, aerosol, and dust. The process is safe for residents and pets. The areas we can cover are ground level, second-story, and rooftops. Our primary goal is to resolve the infestation and hold a 2 month warranty for the results. Further work such as requested cleanup or removal can be discussed.
How Las Vegas bee exterminator service is priced.
Our bee services have flat rate starting prices depending if a ladder is needed or not. So long as the hive and honeycomb is easily accesible, our minimum rates usually apply. Keep in mind, cleanup and removal may not be needed and can be discussed further if requested.
Bee Exterminator Offers
Bee Service
Hive treatment using bees suit, liquids, dust's & aerosol's
Safe to return 1 hour after treatment
Warranty for 60 days after treatment
Flat price for chemical treatment and warranty. Structural breakdown or cleanup charges are not needed
How to hire Pest Pros for bee removal?
You can submit a work order or submit a free quote form on the sign-up page. Alternatively, sending us an email with images and an address would give us an edge and save time. Or else, just call us! In any case, we provide answers immediately.
What does the process involve?
After you have scheduled an appointment, our pest control specialist will arrive with full-body protection and an assortment of exterminator equipment. It takes minutes to set up shop and fumigation the beehive. From which the bee colony will be treated immediately. However, some beehive locations prose technical difficulties and possibly danger. For this reason, providing us with advance info and photos can be helpfull.
How should customers prepare?
Common beehive locations are wall voids, rooflines, attics, water boxes, tree stumps, and other places you least expect. Pest Pros has the tools and knowledge to exterminate and remove a long list of stinging insects. The only help we’ll need from you is to keep pets and customers at a distance during the process.
Summary of Pest Pros bee removal service and WARRANTY
Like kamikaze pilots, bees will defend their colony at all costs. They will die for their cause which is possibly fatal to humans too. Bee’s indiscriminate attack could prove fatal to people with anaphylaxis. Many of us are allergic to the bee sting and have no awareness of it. For this reason, it is always advisable to allow professionals to remove bees on your behalf. All bee services included a 60 day guarantee. We are a local Las Vegas exterminator company that has served residents and businesses on the Strip for twenty years. Our reputation speaks for us because we guarantee your complete satisfaction. We invite you to review us on every occasion! Muchos gracias.