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General Pest Control Services

General Pests

Why is General Pest Control needed?

General Pest Control Service will prevent pests from disrupting a happy home or business life. Not only do pests pose health risks, but they also cause property damage and disrupt a peaceful environment. Given enough time, a minor bug problem can become a costly infestation. On the other hand, keeping bugs out of your home could be simple and cost-effective over time. The only trick is to be consistent with an ongoing treatment plan or treat your home regularly enough to prevent infestations. Our General Pest Control Service is affordable with any budget. We’re available to serve residential and commercial properties

Who is our General Pest Control Service intended for?

Hundreds of bugs are naturally attracted by humans. For example, cockroaches and rats love pilfering through our waste. At the same time, the carbon dioxide from our out-breaths serves to lure the parasites in. Whoever and wherever we are, bugs want to be near. Unfortunately, these animals are carriers of disease and are destructive to our livelihood. Whether you’re running a commercial property or renting an apartment, our general pest control service is made affordable with you in mind. It should also be noted that Home Owner Associations, Institutions, and Property Management Agencies are welcome. If the job is voluminous, we give a great discount! Read our Commercial Pest Control Las Vegas page for more details. 

General Pest Control Services Las Vegas

Pest Pros’ TRIPLE PROTECTION INITIAL SERVICE is perfectly designed to get any property pest free from the first treatment. Most properties in Las Vegas only need General Service to control their issues. Common problems like ants, spiders, crickets, and cockroaches are all included. In fact, over 100 different species of general pests are covered under warranty. We eradicate every variety of them, using any proven method, and taking all the time necessary to accomplish our shared goal of a pest-free environment. 

Our TRIPLE PROTECTION INITIAL SERVICE establishes 3 layers of barrier treatment on your property. Starting with the exterior perimeter of your property line, liquid and dust products are injected into cinder block and retaining walls. Next, we target the foundation of the home treating directly into the homes venting system also know as “weep holes”. Lastly, we install plastic application plugs for direct wall void treatment behind water pipes at kitchens and bathrooms. These 3 layers of pest defense puts safe and effective products in the key places that pests will want to hide and infest. In addition, the entire property inside and outside is included for treatment. We have many different treatment methods and products to implement in our efforts to keep your home pest free.     

Keeping pests under control is an ongoing battle. Our TRI-PRO INITIAL SERVICE will quickly get your general pests under control from the first service, but regular maintenance will keep it that way.  We have flexible service options to offer you the best results and value. 

General Pest Control Service Price

General Service

Full property included + Warranty after every service
  • All time, products and equipment are included with every general service. (Over 3k sq ft interior, over 1/2 acre exterior extra)
  • Safe treatments for pet's and kids & environment. Not required to leave. Allow short dry time.
  • Full interior and exterior of property included with every service.
  • 1 time, 3 service or 6 service options. Service every 60 days. Pay as you go
  • Online service info, pricing and sign up. Create a work order and we will send you an estimate and a 1st service date right away

Tri-Pro Initial Service

60 Day Guarantee
$ 100 First Service. 60 day guarantee.
  • New clients receive our Triple Protection Initial Service
  • 60 day guarantee after each service
  • Fence line, foundation & interior dusting.
    Indoor & outdoor treatment targeting all general pests
  • Price breakdown of only $50 per month!
  • 1 Time service option ok

2nd Service

60 Day Guarantee
$ 80 Per treatment. Every 60 days. No Contract Needed.
  • After Tri-Pro initial service, continue for $80 per treatment, every 60 days. No service agreement needed.
  • 60 Day guarantee after each service
  • Full exterior and interior property treaments included with every visit
  • Not required to have a set service schedule and payment method.
  • Price breakdown of only $40 per month!

2nd Service

60 Day Guarantee
$ 60 Per treatment. Every 60 days. 6 Services in a row, 7th service FREE!
  • After Tri-Pro initial service, continue for $60 per treatment every 60 days. Setup service agreement.
  • 60 Day guarantee after each service
  • Full property treatment included. Exterior always treated on prescheduled service days. Interior offered every visit
  • Must setup auto scheduling and auto payments
  • Price breakdown of only $30 per month!
General Pests

How General Pest Control Service works…

  1. With our treatment plan, common problems like spiders, cockroaches, ants, crickets, earwigs, plus 100 other native bugs are exterminated. You can choose 1-treatment, 3-treatments, or 6-treatments programs that we offer. We do not require contracts but can make professional recommendations. Because pests generally return when the pesticides exceed their life span, we advocate regular and ongoing treatment of your property.
  2. Every general service consists of a complete property inspection and an exterminator service treating outdoor and indoor. The target is broadly all native pests. The initial treatment will wipe out any current infestation. However, we know that bugs will eventually return, so our professional advice is to always acquire regular maintenance to ensure a continuous pest-free environment. 
  3. On a recurring treatment program, our technicians will contact you every 60-days to schedule the treatment. With the second and following treatments, we will focus on prevention. We will routinely inspect and spray the outdoors while treating the interior is based on requests. This ongoing routine property management system will guarantee pests never return.

Exterior Treatment

What does EXTERIOR TREATMENT involve?

Our initial external treatment will exterminate pests immediately. Afterwhich the residue of our products will keep the bugs out. This procedure consists of spraying 4 gallons of pesticide around the property. In addition, 1lb of humidity-activated granules will be scattered under rocks and lawn as the method of extended protection against an outbreak. Even more, our technicians will dust off the visible cobwebs along the walls and ceilings and provide you with a full yard inspection. If we notice something like an anthill or wasp nest, we will treat it accordingly for free. Most bug issues can be controlled at the boundary. If the job is done right on the outside, very little inside treatment is required. Exterior service is treated on every visit.

Exterior Treatment Includes:

Interior Treatment

What does INTERIOR TREATMENT involve?

Rest assured that Pest Pros applies only the safest products and methods. Your pets are safe, and so are every human living in the space. A standard interior service would only require a light spot treatment at entry points (doors, windows, sliders, etc.) We focus on baseboard treatment by lightly misting open flooring and baseboards throughout the residence. Some properties may need in-wall injections, baits, dust, aerosols, or even more sophisticated methods, depending on the level of infestation. We include all of these tactical methods with the initial General Pest Service procedure.

Reasons to customize a pest management plan...

If your home or business is heavily infested, we will devise a better plan to suit your situation. Should the circumstance require the extermination, removal, or prevention of specialized pests, we can customize an affordable and effective procedure to best meet your pest control need.

Summary and Guarantee

We will thoroughly treat the entire property on the initial visit, outdoors and indoors. As a result of being thorough, the reported problems will quickly vanish from your home or business. Approximately 60 days later, we will contact you to confirm the schedule for an exterior treatment. Consistently maintaining the property pest will ensure that bugs keep their distance. Customer safety and a pest-free environment for every client is our goal. Clients’ complete satisfaction is our guarantee.

Sign Up for General Service Here:

Save Money with these Special Offers

6 Service Program

Sign up for 6 scheduled general service treatments and receive the 7th service free!

7th Service Free

$20 Referral Credit

Refer a friend that signs up for our 6 service program and you’ll receive a $20 service credit to your account. Must mention at time of signup.

$10 Autopay Credit

First time customers that setup autopay on their account will receive a $10 service credit. Must mention at time of signup. 

$5 Review Credit

Mention our Yelp or Google reviews upon signup and receive a $5 credit to your account. Must mention at the time of signup. 

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